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Authors |
Dresvyannikov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of management and economic security, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), dva5508@yandex.ru
Dorofeev Vladimir Dmitrievich, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, sub-department of management and economic security, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), dorvd40@mail.ru
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Abstract |
Background. In the post-industrial economy, the competitive advantages of a high order are provided by the active use of the knowledge management concept by enterprise managers. At the same time, in the current conditions of the 4th scientifictechnical revolution, the priorities in the knowledge management system need to be reconsidered, since the radical innovative activity is replacing the traditional activity. The key subsystem of knowledge management become “Education”, i.e. training specialists involved in the introduction of radical innovation. And these specialists must have absolutely new knowledge and skills, what causes difficulties in their training. Objectives of work: analysis of the state of knowledge management in the world practice; structuring the required knowledge in relation to one of the leading technological innovations – additive technologies (3D printing); in accordance with the structure of knowledge, the definition of the employees specialties who possess this knowledge; estimation of provision of industry these specialists by the Russian education system.
Materials and methods. The implementation of research tasks was achieved through the use of semantic analysis, analysis of statistical data, comparative analysis, descriptive method, methods of analyzing Internet requests.
Results. Classification of types of knowledge by the degree of the enterprise activity innovativeness is presented. The analysis of the level and goals of using the knowledge management concept in enterprises was carried out. The structuring of the knowledge required for effective mastering of 3D-printing by companies has been completed. In accordance with this, the required specialists are identified and training forms for their preparation are presented. An analysis has been made of the extent to which the modern educational system in Russia provides the economy with these specialists.
Conclusions. Studies show that the Russian economy is to a certain extent included in the worldwide process of the scientific and technological achievements 4th scientific-technical revolution industrial implementation. However, there are problems with the provision of enterprises with specialists of the new formation. Educational institutions are not actively forming appropriate educational programs. The level of their support by the state is also insufficient. The situation is partially corrected by initiative young people, who aspire to independently master new knowledge and become specialists in the field of activity being formed.
Key words |
knowledge management, classification of knowledge, 4th scientifictechnical revolution, radical innovation, additive technology, education, training of specialists
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References |
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